Solar project for Exmouth Town Council

New roof mounted solar system now powering Gorfin Hall.

Exmouth Town Council is pleased to announce that Gorfin Hall, its well-used community hall in Claremont Lane, is now being powered by solar electricity, thanks to a new roof mounted solar system.

Councillor Frank Cullis, Chairman of the Gorfin Hall Management Committee, said: “The Hall has a large south-facing roof and is ideally situated to take full advantage of solar power so the Committee decided to invest in a sustainable energy system in order to reduce the Hall’s carbon footprint, reduce future electricity bills and generate an income through the feed-in tariff, which is paid for exporting electricity to the grid.  Sixteen solar panels form a 5.36 kwp photovoltaic system, with annual savings of £750 and an estimated payback of seven years, based on predicted performance and feed-in tariff calculations.”

He added: “The solar panels were installed by Ivybridge-based company ECO NRG Ltd.”

The project follows the declaration of a Climate Emergency by Exmouth Town Council in June 2019 and the subsequent formation of a Climate Change Task and Finish Forum which has recommended a strategy and action plan for the Town Council with the aim of reducing the Council’s overall carbon footprint and establishing it as a community leader in tackling the climate change crisis.

Photo of Gorfin Hall with solar panels.

30th June 2020